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About us

Ahsas Informatics

About Us

Ahsas Informatics is an independent organization working on health awareness campaigns since 2007. It has made its way through in the health informatics market by publishing literature and posters in Urdu which are then displayed at various hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centres and public spaces. Ahsas continues to maintain its relationship with different organizations and affiliates with Pakistan Medical Association and National Health Forum (USA) through meaningful collaborations using their literature, material and posters.


Ahsas continues to gain influence as the authoritative voice in the growing field of informatics through the individual and collective efforts of its members, who continue to drive thought leadership, and research and practice in their respective disciplines. Ahsas is also the pioneer amongst few organizations which has been working exclusively on Health Awareness on various diseases prevailing in our society in one of our popular local languages i.e. Urdu.


In addition to that, Ahsas Informatics presents a unique opportunity to improve the problems of public health sector and specifically, to start moving from a system that focuses on treating the sick to one that focuses on keeping people healthy. Ahsas holds a strong role in community-based health promotion and preventive health services in order to measurably improve health and work on the precautionary services rather than tackling diseases.


Unfortunately, most percentage of our community is unaware of the role of public health that ideally should play its part in improving our country’s health system and its service delivery. To contribute towards the betterment of this issue, Ahsas is striving to attain fundamental knowledge about the nature of different diseases, its causes and cures but most importantly, it is working on the precautionary measures to successfully avoid these kind of health hazards. This is why, Ahsas’s prime concentration lies in the application of this kind of knowledge and helps to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.






We live in a very bewildering world, where humans are killed in accidents by just four percent while diseases kill us by ninety six percent. Now, the good news is that almost all of these diseases are preventable and precautionary. Today, if we look closely at the condition of Pakistan, we get to see that more than sixty percent of our population is living below the poverty line and is more vulnerable to these diseases as they live under unhygienic environment. This means that most of the people aren’t even aware of the fact that prompt check-ups and screenings can help them detect these preventable and curable diseases if proper measure are taken on time.


Ahsas would not like any one of you to suffer because of the lack of awareness as later on, this grows to be the cause of lack of responsibility and that leads to different dangers in the following times. Today in Pakistan, relatively a lot of organizations are working on the issues of different diseases, their implications, consequences and cures but only a few in number are working exclusively on the boarder category of Health Awareness that ultimately includes all of these various diseases prevailing in the society. Ahsas does not only wants to aware the general public about themselves and their society but also wants to communicate in the medium that is used by most of the population of Pakistan i.e. Urdu. Ahsas believes that awareness about these diseases will not only improve one’s life but will also prevent them from being a victim of these diseases so that people can take necessary precautions within time.


One of the awareness projects run by Ahsas is about poster campaigns where information about diseases is communicated through the posters to talk deliver particular information about a disease, its implications and cures. Unfortunately the poster campaign could not run for long due to its limited information and displays. Therefore, Ahsas Informatics identified a need of accessible and rich literature to continue these kind of projects. In result to this, in 2009 Ahsas Informatics came up with better ways to deal with this limitation and successfully published its first book on Diabetes which is one of the most common diseases prevailing in both the privileged and under-privileged masses of the country.



Our Cause


Ahsas aims to lead the way in transforming health care through trusted science, education, and the practice of informatics. Ahsas further connects a broad community of professionals and students interested in informatics and bridges a path for knowledge and collaboration across a continuum, from basic and applied research to the consumer and public health arenas.


In addition to that, we highlight the most critical changes we must make to improve public health through a set of books and posters on different diseases which can provide them with enough information to keep themselves safe and secure from unnecessary risks. The purpose of Ahsas is to raise awareness about public health’s critical role in ensuring healthy Pakistan. In order to do that, different themed books are printed in Urdu language that includes information and resources on different diseases to especially educate and aware the unprivileged communities who are mostly uneducated and do not have access to these resources. It is not only that they find the treatment heavy on their shoulders but it is due to the lack of access and availability of Urdu material that excludes them from the general health awareness discourses.


One should not just work in the most critical situations where there is a must to take proper measures rather precautions are better than cure. We take a step forward to educate the unprivileged community through different set of mediums with low cost.  However, all of this cannot be fulfilled without your support and believe in us.






Our Services

  • Provides awareness through collective resources of Ahsas’s constituents (publishes books on different kind of diseases as their themes)
  • Communicates to the general public through physical posters in hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers and public spaces
  • Ensure successful adaptation to changes in the medical informatics marketplace and discipline
  • Introduced better information management systems which allows us to have better collaboration between different health care providers with better continuity of care and increased efficiency
  • Encourage cooperation between the scientific and commercial health informatics communities
  • Minimize fragmentation between scientific and professional medical informaticians.


In all honesty, the health informatics industry has been slow to join the information technology revolution since a long time now but this is not the case with us, Ahsas Informatics tries to cover both of the aspects of their cause through publishing their books in hard copy and reaching out to people in person and through digital mediums. Ahsas makes handwritten records available for local people since these materials are still the primary means of organizing patient care and awareness campaigns but keeping this mind, we also realize the importance of the involvement of information technology in our lives and so we use this medium of communication to reach out to a different audience.

Heart Diseases

Ahsas wants to draw your attention on how important it is to take care of your own body, become aware of  how to take precautionary measures for different diseases and to know about the causes and implications that these diseases bring along with them. This particular book is about heart disease and aims to provide awareness in our part of the context.

Heart disease is also called cardiovascular disease and mainly deals with the heart, its pumping, valves and blood vessels. A lot of us are unaware of what are the causes of the heart disease, how many kinds are there, how dangerous it is to have it and finally how to treat it. Ahsas makes it easier for people to read about this material in their own local language and to then understand its causes and implications that are attached to it. For example, one of the causes this book talks about is how this disease builds a layer, thickens and stiffens the artery walls, which can inhibit blood flow through one’s arteries to one’s organs and tissues and later makes it impossible for one to breathe properly along with a lot of more risks.

The book also talks about the risk factors that lead to this disease and later the importance of having such material available on the issue of heart disease and spreading awareness for it. Ahsas believes that this know-how is every important for a common man to live a healthy and settling life. We want our audience to support us in this cause as it is one of the most common diseases in the world and can cause instant deaths. We believe in health and security and we hope you do too!